Benefits of curd for body, skin and hair. | How to use curd for face ,body and skin ? | uses of curd .

In India you are going for good work your mummy told you eat curd and go because they believe your work done good after eating curd.

Curd is very beneficial for our health. Eating one bowl of curd daily helps in digestion. Calcium, protein and vitamins are found in plenty in yogurt. Curd has been very important in our Indian culture since ancient times. Whether it is a marriage or the inauguration of a task, curd is used on every auspicious occasion. 

    What is curd?

    It is believed that if one is fed curd before performing any auspicious task then it gets success. Let us tell you that curd has many benefits. This not only makes our body health. It is also very beneficial in enhancing our beauty. And the special thing is that it is easy to get along with being cheap.

     Curd contains nutrients like calcium, riboflavin, protein, vitamin B etc. If you want to keep bones and teeth strong for a long life, then definitely eat curd.Curd has higher calcium content than milk.

    What are the benefits of eating cuard?

    These amazing benefits of eating curd :

    Curd keeps you from all kinds of stomach problems. If you have gas, indigestion, constipation, stomach irritation, eat curd or drink lassi, buttermilk, stomach problem and intestinal heat will be away. Learn about the benefits of eating curd here. ....

    #Strengthen the digestive power:

    By eating strong curd, digestion power is strengthened, blood loss and weakness in the body goes away. You can consume it even if you feel less hungry. 

    # digestive health:

    we have already mentioned that curd is considered very beneficial for the stomach. At the same time, according to experts, some probiotics are found in yogurt. That is, some bacteria that are considered beneficial for health. These probiotics help in the digestion of lactose . Also it can help in maintaining digestive health by eliminating other digestive problems . In such a situation, it can be said that even in strengthening digestion, the benefits of eating yogurt can prove to be beneficial to some extent. However, further research needs to be done in this regard. 

    #Stomach must be consumed in the cool :

    summer season, made of curd, buttermilk and buttermilk. It keeps the body cool from inside. Calms the stomach heat. You can also mix and eat yogurt with rice. This keeps the stomach healthy, there is no problem of diarrhea. 

    #Keep heart healthy :

    Curd is expert in keeping the heart healthy, heart disease or high blood pressure problem. Curd does not allow the cholesterol level in the body to rise. 

    # keep bones and teeth strong :

    Curd has the highest calcium content and calcium is very important to keep bones healthy. This also leads to the development of bones. Keeps teeth, nails, muscles healthy You will also avoid joint problems, when you eat curd regularly. 

    #Prevent piles :

    Often some people suffer from hemorrhoids. In this disease, bleeding while excreting, swelling in the pulp passage, pain occurs. If you eat buttermilk, there will be benefits. 

    #Increase immunity : 

    Curd can be effective in improving and increasing the body's resistance. In fact, this is mentioned in a research by the National Center for Biotechnology Information published in the Advance in Nutrition and International Review Journal. Research has assumed that yogurt has the ability to destroy bacteria that harm the body. Yogurt can not only protect the body's immunity by destroying these harmful bacteria, but can also help to increase it .In view of this fact it can be assumed that the benefits of eating curd can be achieved to improve the body's resistance. 

    #Helpful in controlling weight :

    The benefits of eating curd that are helpful in weight control include control of weight gain. This is the reason that the use of curd can be beneficial for those who want to control weight. According to experts, the consumption of curd does not make you feel hungry for a long time, due to which it helps in controlling weight. At the same time, some bacteria are found in it, which help in digesting food and can be helpful in reducing weight by controlling the calories from the foods . In such a situation, it can be said that the consumption of curd can help in controlling weight to a great extent. 

    # Osteoporosis : 

    Use of curd can also prove beneficial in problems like osteoporosis (weakening of bones). Actually, curd contains calcium, potassium and magnesium as well as some amount of vitamin D. All these elements present in curd help to strengthen bones by increasing bone mineral density. In such a situation, it would not be wrong to say that positive results can be seen in the problem of osteoporosis as a benefit of eating curd. 

    #Other advantages: 

    Curd should be consumed daily during summer. This helps you avoid heat, heat. This calms the stomach heat. Rinse with buttermilk eliminates mouth blisters. 

    Now that you know how beneficial curd is for your skin as well as health, let's apply it on the face every day. Where are the benefits of applying curd on the face, it can be applied by mixing it with things on the go, what kind of skin is more beneficial by mixing with curd

    How is curd beneficial for the skin? 

    Curd is considered to be beneficial for the skin due to its element called lactic acid. Lactic acid is a type of alpha hydroxy acid commonly found in the manufacture of follicles without a prescription. Lactic acid is known to remove dirt or crust from other skin types, reduce swelling and inflammation, and brighten new and smoother skin. 

    In this way the help of lactic acid in curd helps to get rid of such skin problems. 

    1. Closing large pores and pores.
         Reducing scarring. 

    2.Minimizing fine lines on the face. 

    3.Reducing sun damage and suntan. 

    4. Reducing hyperpigmentation. 

    How does curd  benefits of applying  on the face ?

    Often these types of problems such as blemishes on the face, age marks, acne scars or pimples can take away the beauty of your face and it also takes a long time to heal these skin related problems. But, curd is a completely natural and without any side effects product that works to bring beauty to the skin as well as nourish it. Find out the benefits of applying yoghurt on the face: - 

    #curd soothes the skin :

    If you have a lack of tenderness on your skin, especially on the face and the skin has become dry, you can take the help of curd. Curd is an excellent moisturizer and if applied to the skin every day, it makes your skin nourished, soft, supple and supple. 

    # Acne - curd removes blisters:

    Curd , which is rich in anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial elements, is the best way to get rid of acne on your face. If you apply curd on the area with the rashes every day, the rashes will get better soon and the scars will gradually disappear.

    #curd relieves sunburn:

    When the harmful UV rays of the sun come in contact with our skin, it has a direct effect on the muscles of our body and our skin not only becomes red from the sun's rays but also becomes dull and dull. If this problem of sun exposure is severe, it can often cause rashes and pimples on the skin. Applying curd on the affected skin gives relief from sunburned skin. 

    #curd removes age marks:

                                                    It is natural to notice signs of aging on your face as you get older. But often before age there are many signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, etc. Curd can also help you solve this problem. The lactic acid in curd helps to remove the inanimate skin crust on the skin. From which the living skin below has become smooth. 

    #curd makes the skin tone uniform:

                                                                 Blemishes on the skin often cause discoloration of the face and pigmentation. An element called lactic acid in curd helps in the development of new muscles by removing the topmost layer of blemished skin. This effectively eliminates the problem of pigmentation and also makes the skin color uniform. 

    #curd removes dark circles under the eyes:

                                When we do not get enough sleep for many days or for some reason we sleep less at night, then dark circles under the eyes become dark circles. Yogurt can be helpful in removing these black circles. As we have shown earlier, yogurt has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce eye inflammation and lactic acid removes dark circles. 

    How to apply curd on the face ? 

    This way you can apply the yoghurt naturally on your face if you want. But experts believe that if some other natural ingredients are added to the curd and applied on the face, it can be more beneficial on the face. If you want, you can apply curd with cucumber, curd  with tomato, curd with turmeric or curd with chana flour which can be mixed with honey Find out which curd blend is best for which skin type and where its benefits are: - 

    #Curd and lemon juice to remove blemishes: 

    A mixture of curd and lemon juice will help you to get rid of blemishes on your face if you have blemishes on your face or other reasons. Mix half a teaspoon of lemon juice in a bowl of curd in a bowl and apply this mixture on the scarred area on the face. Be careful that the mixture does not get into the eyes, otherwise it can cause inflammation. Leave the mixture on the face for 15 minutes and then wash off with cold water. 

    #Curd and honey for dry skin: 

    If your skin is deficient in dryness, if the skin is dry, you can mix one teaspoon of honey in four teaspoons of curd and apply this curd face mask evenly on the face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash your face with cold water and let it dry. This mixture of curd  and honey is used only once a week by people whose skin is dry and normal. Do not use this with oily skin. In just a few days you will see a glow on your face. 

    #Curd and gram flour to remove sunburn and tanning: 

    If you have sunburn and tanning problems due to sun exposure and UV rays, mix chana flour in curd or buttermilk and mix well and apply on the affected area. Leave on for about an hour and then rinse with water. A mixture of curd and chickpea flour will relieve sunburn and tanning as well as relieve inflammation. 

    #Curd  and cucumber to cleanse and soothe the skin: 

    Put half a cucumber in three-quarters cup plain curd  and make it into a fine paste in a mixer. Now massage this mixture on your face with light hands for 15 minutes and then wash your face with cold water. This mixture is perfect for all skin types and you can use it every day. This face pack full of Namanash helps to hydrate, cleanse and relax the skin. 

    #Curd and potatoes to whiten complexion by reducing tanning: 

    This face pack of curd and potatoes is considered to be suitable for all skin types. For this you mix the raw potatoes in the curd and then apply this mixture on the face and leave it for a while. When the mixture dries, wash your face with water. This face pack of curd and potatoes helps to enhance the beauty of the skin, whiten the complexion and reduce the tanning. 

    #Curd and oats to remove wrinkles and fine lines: 

    If you get premature aging marks on your face such as wrinkles and fine lines, you should use oats mixed with curd to get rid of the problem of premature aging. You can use this scrub of yogurt and oats once a week. Pour two teaspoons of curd, one teaspoon of oats and when the mixture becomes like a pulp, apply it on your face and neck and massage it lightly on the round face. Leave the scrub on the face for 15 minutes and then wash off with cold water. 

    #Curd and turmeric to enhance skin beauty: 

    Curd and turmeric are both natural ingredients rich in medicinal properties that are very beneficial for your skin. People with all skin types can use this mixture once a week. To enhance the beauty of the skin, mix turmeric with two teaspoons of curd and mix the mixture well and apply it on the face and leave it for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water. This mixture of curd and turmeric will help to brighten and soften the skin. 

    How does curd help to hair?

    Get silky-shiny hair with curd: 

    If you want healthy hair, avoid chemical hair products and adopt easy and effective home remedies. Curd is very beneficial for hair, so… 

    # Curd and  honey  hair  pack:

     wants extra shine in packaged hair, so prepare a paste by mixing 2 tablespoons of hyena powder in a cup of yogurt 2 times a week. Apply it in such a way that the entire hair is covered. After applying the paste, cover the hair with a shower cap. Shampoo after 1 hour. 

    #Curd and banana pack :

    Curd-Making Pack For Shiny hair, mix banana in curd and apply. Prepare paste according to hair length and apply it well to hair. Wash with lukewarm water after 2 hours. After this shampoo. 

    # Curd and  gram flour  pack:

    Prepare a paste by mixing equal quantity of curd and gram flour and leave it for 1 hour by applying it to the roots of hair. Then wash .

    #Curd and curry leaves pack:

    Make a paste by grinding a handful of curry leavs3zes in a cup of curd. Now apply it on the hair. Wash after half an hour. The hair will also come with shine as well as strength. 

    #curd and pepper paste:

    If you want strong and healthy hair, then apply curd and pepper paste in your hair. This will keep your hair strong .

    #curd-lemon pack :

    Applying lemon juice in curd-lemon pack curd can remove dandruff completely from the hair. Mix one lemon juice in a cup of yogurt and apply it on the hair with a scalp. Wash hair after half an hour. 

    #curd honey hair pack:

    Mix 2 tablespoons of honey in a cup of curd and apply it to your hair. Both yogurt and honey give extra shine to the hair. Leave this pack on the hair for 1 hour. Then wash with lukewarm water and shampoo later. Do this twice a week. 

    How  Loss of curd on the face harmful?

    Thus, curd is very healthy and there is no harm in eating it or applying it on the face. But in the same way that anything is too bad, applying too much curd on the face can do some harm. In addition, it is very important to know what kind of skin to mix with curd. However, it is important to consult your dermatologist once before applying curd on the face. 

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