How to increase How to increase brest milk ? | Brest milk | ब्रेस्ट मिल्क कैसे बढ़ाएं?

The mother's first milk is like nectar for the baby, which provides her with nutrition. At the same time, breastfeeding for the mother is the greatest happiness in the world. But sometimes due to lack of milk in the breast due to some special reasons, the child does not get enough food. This condition causes problems for both mother and newborn. We are telling you some remedies which will help you to protect from this problem. 

    What is breast milk?

    Breast milk is best for babies. When a mother breast feed her child then then the baby is supplied with complete nutrients even until 9 months breast feeding. If the mother have enough milk then she should continue breast feeding even during weaning period. There would be good bonding between mother and child. Children that were breastfed had lesser problems in behaviours . They are kindhearted and easily managed by parents. Bottle feeding is good if you choose the right milk but the best is mother’s milk

    What does human breast milk contain?

    Human breast milk contains all essential or we can say ideal nutrition, which is important for newborn babies for their growth and development.

    • Protein - 0.8% to 0.9%
    • Fat - 4.5% fat
    • Carbohydrates - 7.1%
    • Minerals - 0.2%
    • Carbohydrates are mainly lactose, several lactose-based oligosaccharides have been identified as minor components.
    • The fat fraction contains specific triglycerides of palmitic and oleic acid.
    • Protein contains Lysozyme, IgA and serum albumin.

    How long does it take for breast milk to come in?

    By the third day after delivery, the production of breast milk increases. As your breast milk "comes in" you should feel your breasts begin filling up. However, it could take longer ( up to five days) for first-time moms to fill up with breast milk.

    Your body begins to make breast milk in response to pregnancy and delivery of your child. But to continue making breast milk after your baby is born, you will need to breastfeed or pump.

    By removing milk from the breasts, you will stimulate your body to make more milk. The more often you breastfeed or pump, the more milk you will make.

    Breast Milk Color

    The color of breast milk can change in response to various factors. It's usually white, yellow, or blueish. However, depending on what you eat, it could have a green, orange, brown, or pink hue.

    Occasionally, blood from rusty pipe syndrome or cracked nipples can appear in your breast milk. It may be worrisome, but it isn't dangerous. As long as your baby is not refusing the breast, it's safe to continue to breastfeed if your milk changes color.

    How do we know if we are getting enough breast milk? 

    Adequate breast milk is being produced inside you, it will be known by how satisfied your baby is with this and how it is affecting the health of the baby. 

    Weight gain, proper development of your baby according to age is a sign that breast milk is forming in sufficient quantity in you. However, the baby's weight may decrease in the first week of birth, but later on with sufficient nutrition, her weight begins to increase.

     Apart from this, you can also guess how many times he is urinating . Wetting five to six diapers a day means that he is able to breastfeed properly. 

    Your child's good mood can also be a sign of adequate breast milk. If sufficient amount of milk is produced, then the baby is also able to breastfeed well, which makes the baby happy and sleeps well. 

    You will not feel pain while breastfeeding if the supply of milk is not enough. In such a situation, your breasts will feel empty and soft after breastfeeding. 

    You can hear the baby swallowing milk during breastfeeding, which can be a symptom of having enough milk. 

    Does massaging the breasts help with milk production? 

    No, massaging the breasts will only help to soften the hardened part of the breasts. However, this does not increase breast milk, but it makes it easier for milk to come out. Of course, for every infant, mother's milk is like nectar, which nourishes it. In such a situation, it is important to have sufficient quantity of milk in the mother's breasts, so that the baby does not get the deficiency. Therefore, the tips mentioned above to increase breast milk can prove to be quite beneficial. 

    Nothing can be more tragic for a lactating mother than not enough milk production in her breast. In this situation, their child can also go hungry. If you have a similar problem with you, will you be sitting hand in hand? off course not! It is possible to increase milk production and you will not have to take risky medicines for this. 

    Let us tell you some safe and natural ways to increase the amount of breast milk. 

    nutritious food :

     Eating nutritious food increases the amount of milk in the breast of the mother. Good and nutritious food is very much needed for milk production in the body. Eating barley, oatmeal and milk also provides great benefits. 

    dry fruits :

    Dry fruits should be consumed as much as possible after becoming a mother. Nuts like cashew, almond, pistachios increase the amount of milk in the breasts. In addition, they are also rich in vitamins, minerals and protein. 

    Besil and  honey:

    Basil can be eaten with soup or honey, or you can also take it by adding it to tea. Bitter gourd corrects lactation in women. Use only light spices while preparing bitter gourd so that it can be easily digested. 

    fennel :

    According to Ayurveda, the consumption of fennel helps to overcome the lack of milk in the breasts. Therefore, you can consume fennel to correct the amount of milk in the breasts. 


    Cumin can also help you increase breast milk. You just have to consume it in balanced amounts  


    Spinach in green leafy vegetables greatly helps to increase breast milk. It helps in increasing the milk supply in you as well as fulfills the anemia . 

    Brown Rice: 

    According to a research, brown rice helps to increase milk production in lactating women. 

    Garlic :

    The ability to make milk also increases by eating garlic. Cooking garlic instead of raw food will be more beneficial. If you eat garlic regularly then you will definitely benefit. 

    Fenugreek seeds: 

    Consuming fenugreek seeds also affects the supply of breast milk . You can eat fenugreek seeds sprouted after delivery. Although you may find it slightly bitter in taste, it will help to increase breast milk. 


    Raw papaya also helps in increasing breast milk . Its intake increases the production of oxytocin in the body, which helps to increase breast milk. 

    Breastfeeding should be done while breastfeeding. This will increase milk production in the body. Also, by doing this, your baby will be able to breastfeed comfortably. 


    Salmon contains abundant EFA (essential fatty acids) and omega-3, which are essential for breastfeeding women. You can include salmon in your diet. 

    Cow's milk: 

    Mothers are also advised to drink cow's milk to increase breast milk. Keep in mind that the milk of cow should be drunk only by women who are not allergic to it . 

    Ayurvedic powder:


    This powder also help you increase milk and it has no side effects. 

    There is an intense desire to breastfeed in the newborn for up to an hour after birth. So the sooner the mother starts weaning the baby after birth, the better. Healthy babies should start breastfeeding within 45 minutes of birth. 

    Do not eat during lactation. These things are needed during pregnancy as much as the need for proper eating is as much during breastfeeding. 

    How does breast milk help the baby?

    Breast milk is obviously the best thing for the baby . It contains the right ratios of fats and proteins and antibodies from the mother .

    That’s why in the olden days , wealthy people had wet nurses. These were women who also had babies and continued to produce milk , which will happen if they have a nursing baby , and that produces a feedback loop , hormonally .

    Also , this is why some women can produce milk and contribute to breast milk banks to help premature infants .

    This is not to say that in modern times , a baby cannot be formula fed and still be healthy .

    Does food or other factors change the consistency of breastmilk?

    The consistency of breastmilk changes somewhat both in the duration of a feed and the age of a baby.

    Foremilk is thinner and is more hydrating, hindmilk is thicker and richer in fats and nutrients, which is why you have to let a baby finish a full feed on each breast.

    Older babies need more nutrients and tend to drink water between feeds so the milk gets thicker.

    Extended breast feeding between 20 months up to 5 years (so far) and my experience is that the older they get you produce less milk but a much thicker, richer milk.

    What you eat can affect flavour but unless you are not hydrating enough the consistency is pretty, well, consistent (pun unintended) for the needs of the baby per their development.

    Does human breast milk contain lactose?

    Women’s milk does contain lactose that is also known as milk sugar. An infant and child need to have an enzyme called lactase to digest lactose.

    Congenital lactase deficiency, that is complete inability to digest lactose at birth, is an extremely rare condition in human children. The last time I checked on the prevalence, it was mostly concentrated in northern countries. Incidentally, this is where animal milk feeding has been possible because the cold climates allowed for unfermented milk consumption. Historically, an infant with this condition would quickly die from dehydration caused by diarrhea, this deselecting herself from propagation of the unhelpful trait for survival.

    Ability to digest lactose varies by population based on historic breastfeeding patterns. It may start fading at age two or persist till the age of ten in 70% of world population where dairy husbandry wasn’t prevalent. A small fraction of people, mostly in localized areas where milk drinking was possible because of colder climates, retain the ability to digest lactose throughout most their lives.

    Do larger breasts produce more milk than smaller breasts?

    Many of us tend to believe that a woman with large breasts produces more milk. But there’s no correlation between breast size and milk supply as a large breasted woman does not have more milk ducts but rather more fatty tissue. And this does not affect the amount of milk you can produce. Big and small breasts have about the same milk producing apparatus.

    So, if you have small breasts, don’t worry that you won’t produce enough milk for your baby. This would happen only in the case of those women born with insufficient glandular tissue. And this is rather a very rare condition. In such a situation, the milk supply would be low because of the insufficient milk ducts and not because of the little breast tissue.

    Moreover, women with small breasts seem to have fewer difficulties when breastfeeding. The baby might find it difficult to latch on as his/her mouth is too small to cover the areola. It might also turn out to be difficult to position the baby properly in the case of a large breast woman. The idea is that women with small breasts produce the same quantity and quality of milk as those with large breasts. There’s no link between the ability to produce milk and the breast size.

    However, a woman’s breasts should increase in size from the pre-pregnancy to after baby’s arrival. Usually, a woman’s breasts double or even triple in weight by the time she has to deliver because the milk cells and milk ducts grow a lot in the last trimester of pregnancy. This means that new moms should wear the right bra not only to be more comfortable but also to prevent complications like clogged ducts.

    The success of breastfeeding has nothing to do with the size of your breasts. Remember that nursing is a supply-and-demand process. The larger your breast size, the more milk supply. Wrong. The more you breastfeed, the more milk you produce.

    What are the first foods you fed or plan to feed your baby, besides breastmilk or formula?

    One good and common first food is iron-fortified infant cereal mixed with expressed breast milk, water or formula. What makes it appropriate for a first food? The fact that it’s easy to digest and it provides baby with important nutrients such as zinc and iron.
    Now, there’s a variety of plain iron-fortified infant cereals. A good option many moms go for is the iron-fortified infant rice cereal. What makes it good for a first solid is that it digests easily, it is least likely to cause a hypersensitivity reaction and it contains important nutrients. Moreover, these cereals can be altered in texture in order to meet the baby’s developmental needs.

    There are some foods you should not go for when introducing solids. They include the ready-to-eat iron fortified cereals that are designed for adults or older children which are inappropriate because they contain mixed grains as well as more sodium and sugar than infant cereals.
    Moreover, they contain a form of iron that is not easy to absorb and may contain small pieces of nuts, raisins, dates which are hard to chew and may represent a choking hazard. Don’t give the baby foods that need to be chewed. Go for soft textures that pose no risk.

    When can you start pumping breast milk?

    Start pumping as soon as you can after you recover from childbirth. Many moms find they're ready to start pumping at around four to six weeks postpartum. That's also a good time to introduce your baby to a bottle. When pouring your milk into a breast milk storage bag, hold on to that bag tightly.


    How much breastmilk should you expect to pump?

    Pumping Breast Milk Guide Moms Who Exclusively Pump Reveal How They Make It Work Baby will take in an average of 25 to 35 ounces of milk per day, depending upon her needs. If your milk supply drops, increase the number of times you pump.

    Is it okay to pump breastmilk before baby is born?

    Under normal circumstances pumping colostrum before birth is safe. There are no studies that show pumping or breastfeeding while pregnant is unsafe. Many women worry about pumping while pregnant because it causes mild contractions. These contractions, which may feel like menstrual cramps, are harmless to your unborn baby.

    Below we are going to tell you what not to eat during breastfeeding: 

    Coffee -

    If you are addicted to drinking coffee, do not consume it at the time of breastfeeding. Consuming caffeine can reduce iron levels in breast milk, affecting the baby's hemoglobin .

     Sour fruits -

     Breastfeeding mothers should avoid eating things like citrus fruits like oranges, grapes, mangoes and pineapples, because such elements are unable to absorb the baby. 

    Brokli - 

    Breastfeeding mothers should avoid taking broccoli. The child may also have gas problems by eating it. 

    High-Mercury Fish - 

    Just like pregnancy, lactating mothers should avoid the consumption of high mercury fish. This can hamper the brain development of the infant. 

    Alcohol - 

    Taking a mother's alcohol can harm a breastfed baby. However, according to many studies, if the mother consumes very small amounts of alcohol once or twice, then the child is not harmed . Nevertheless, we would recommend that a breastfeeding woman not consume alcohol. 

    Peanuts -

    If anyone in your family is allergic to peanuts, a lactating woman should avoid taking it. By doing this the child may also be allergic . 

    Spicy food -

    Eating spicy food of the mother can be harmful for the baby. Spicy food can affect the baby through milk. 

    Eggs and Shellfish - If anyone in the family is allergic to eggs or shellfish, lactating mothers should stay away from it. In this case, the baby may also be allergic .

     Corn - Children are allergic to corn. Whether it is through direct intake or breastfeeding. Therefore, lactating mothers should also stay away from corn. 

    Methods and natural remedies to increase breastmilk .


     Breastfeed as much as possible:

    You should breastfeed your baby for as long as possible. When your baby drinks milk, it produces more milk in the breasts. Therefore, breastfeed your newborn eight to 10 times a day. 

    Breastfed with both breasts: 

    Whenever you breastfeed, in turn breastfeed with both breasts. By doing this, the demand for milk production in the body will increase. In addition, your baby will also be able to drink milk comfortably. Try to breastfeed the baby from both the sides two to three times while breastfeeding. 

    Avoid stress: 

    Stress also causes difficulty in breast milk. Let us tell you that stress inhibits the production of oxytocin, the hormone that increases milk production. 

    Stay away from alcohol and nicotine: 

    Women who consume a lot of alcohol and nicotine may also have a decrease in breast milk production. Therefore, avoid consuming alcohol.

     Skin to Skin Contact: 

    When your child is breastfeed, remove his clothes and then touch him. Doing this will help your baby to breastfeed for a longer period of time and more milk will be produced by breastfeeding for a longer period . 

    Spend time with the baby:

    The longer you spend time with your baby, the more time you can breastfeed the baby. 

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