Babies are fragile. They require special care. Minor carelessness can also cause various problems for them. Therefore, after birth it is important to take care not only of their skin, but also of the eyes. This is because some infants fall prey to the problem of watery eyes only after birth. This problem is something that parents have little knowledge about. They feel that the infant is crying, while this does not happen. What the hell is this problem and why?
What is the reason for watery eyes of children?
The problem of watery eyes of children is called Epiphora in medical language. The following reasons can be behind this problem -
Closure of tear ducts:
There is a tear gland above the eyes. This is called tier gland or lacrimal gland. Tears come out of this gland into the eye . Some tears flow from the eye and some reach the nose through two small holes found in the corner of the eye. These tears come in the nasal duct (nasolacrimal duct) and exit through the nose. When the nasolacrimal duct is blocked for any reason, tears begin to come out of the eye even when the baby is not crying. Many times the nasolacrimal duct is not fully developed in infants at birth. At birth it may also have a thin membrane, which can block the exit of tears. In infants, this problem resolves on its own in a few days. At the same time, there may be many reasons for nasolacrimal duct closure in adults, such as facial injury, eye and nose infection. Infection in the tear duct is called dacryocystitis. This infection may also cause watery eyes.
Causes of eye infection:
Even after an eye infection, the baby's eye can continuously get water. This infection is called conjunctivitis . Other symptoms such as itching and redness in the eye may be seen in this infection. Another infection can also be the cause of watery eyes, called anjanhari or bilni and stye in English. It is caused by staphylococcal bacteria. In this, a thick grain appears on the eyelid. This rash causes pain and can also cause water from the eye during infection.
Usually, watery eyes can come even when there are colds . This is because our nose produces a white fluid, which prevents harmful bacteria from reaching the lungs. When cold, this substance is produced in excess, which starts flowing through the nose . It tightly closes the nasolacrimal duct in the nose, which can lead to water in the eyes of children .
A fever or cold that occurs in the changing season can also be caused by allergies. If your child's eye is red and water is coming from him, he may also be allergic .
Nasal cyst:
Having a cyst or tumor in the nose can also close the nasolacrimal duct, which can cause watery eyes in children ie epiphora .
General conditions:
Dust particles in the child's eye or eyelid hair can fall in the eye. Redness and stinging in the eye can also be felt in such a situation. Apart from this, the presence of smoke and chemical in the air can also be a reason for watery eyes.
What are symptoms of watery eyes of children?
along with watery eyes of children, there may be more symptoms of epiphora such as :
Watery eyes with pain.
Watering in the eye and not being able to bear the light.
Swelling on the upper part of the eyelids.
Watery and white sticky substance coming out of the eye.
These were some of the symptoms of watering from the eyes of the child.
Come, now let us know what treatment can be done when there is water in the eye.
Treatment of watery eyes of children
Children's eye-watering problems usually get resolved on their own. At the same time, if this problem persists for a long time, then medical treatment is needed, which is as follows:
The doctor may recommend taking the baby to the eye doctor if needed.
If signs of conjunctivitis are found in the infant's eye, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics and ointment.
Eye specialists may also use eye drops or antibiotics to open the nasolacrimal vessel.
If needed, ophthalmologists may also seek surgery help to open the nasolacrimal vessel, in which they can attempt to open the nasolacrimal vessel with the help of a device.
In addition, a device called a catheter can also be opened by inflating the nasolacrimal vessel like a balloon .
If the epiphora condition is due to cold, physicians may prescribe cold medicine.
Treatment of cold depends on the symptoms .
If this problem is common, it can be cured with home remedies. Let us know about this further.
Home remedy for watery eyes of children
If your child's eye is watering, then try some home remedies. Remember that these home remedies can only be helpful in reducing symptoms. It would be better to see a doctor for complete rest. If there is water in the baby's eye due to nasolacrimal duct infection (dacryocystocele), the doctor may recommend warm compresses . For this, heat a cotton cloth or cotton on the pan lightly and keep it on the eyes. Repeat this process for five to ten minutes. Keep in mind that the cloth or cotton is not too hot, otherwise the baby's skin may burn. At the same time, his eyes may also be damaged. Therefore, whatever you do, do it only on the advice of a doctor. If there is water falling in the baby's eye due to something falling in the eye, then wash the eye with water and clean it. On the advice of a doctor, you can massage the upper part of your baby's nose, but make sure that there is not much pressure on the nose . Take special care of one thing is that your hands are clean and the nails are trimmed. Use your index finger and thumb for massage. It is better that you know the method of massage well from the doctor.
Watering of a newborn's eye can be both normal and severe. Therefore, it is better to protect them from this problem. Here we are showing some easy ways to avoid this problem.
Take care of cleanliness:
Cleanliness can be an important part in protecting the child from any kind of bacteria. Always raise your baby with clean hands. Keep the child away from people struggling with eye infections. Always keep baby toys, bedding, milk bottles and other utensils clean.
Observe a closed nasolacrimal vessel:
Your baby may be born with a closed nasolacrimal vessel and this is normal, but this duct opens automatically after some time . However, if tears are coming out of the baby's eye for no apparent reason, seek medical advice immediately.
Treat Allergy:
If you know that your child is allergic, try to find out what he is allergic to. The baby may be allergic to dust, dirt or pets. Try to save him from such an environment. You can always keep some medicines with you on the advice of a doctor.