Showing posts from March, 2021Show All
What is the reason for watery eyes of children?  |Home remedy for watery eyes of children .|What are symptoms of watery eyes of children?|    बच्चों की आंखों में पानी आने का कारण क्या है?
Club foot baby.  |How do you cuddle a baby that is being treated for club foot with a brace and bar?  |  क्लब फुट बेबी।
Can children have dehydration?   |    What are signs of dehydration in children? |    Why dehydration more common in children? |    क्या बच्चों में निर्जलीकरण हो सकता है? |How do you treat dehydration?
How to prevent from diaper rashes?  |How do you prevent a sudden diaper rash?| What are the best treatments for diaper rash? |  डायपर चकत्ते से कैसे बचें?
Clapping Babies - Developmental Milestones - Age, Importance and Encouragement Tips .|What are the important developmental milestones for a baby in its first several years?| शिशुओं का ताली बजाना – डेवलपमेंटल माइलस्टोन – उम्र, महत्व और प्रोत्साहित करने के टिप्स
Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies for Scabies |  Are there any home remedies for treating scabies?   |  सिर में खुजली के कारण, लक्षण और घरेलू इलाज